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HASUKI - SÉANCE ERA Series - Kraken

Brand: HASUKIProduct name: SÉANCE ERA Series - KrakenSize: 1/12, about 15 CMMaterial: ABS/PVCProduct Content:-Head * 1

-Soft Rubber Movable Body * 1

-Yellow Short Coat * 1

-White Swimsuit * 1

-White Leg Cover * 2

-Oxygen Bottle Strap * 1

-Replacement Face * 3

-Respiratory Mask * 1

-Replacement Foot * 2 pairs

-Replacement Hand *5 pairs

-Black Bikini Swimsuit * 1

-Transparent Flippers * 2

- Oxygen Bottle * 1

-Oxygen Tube * 1

-P226 Pistol * 1

-Transparent Holster * 1

-V12 Underwater Dagger * 1

-ME-01 Ghost Octopus Underwater Autonomous Exploration Robot * 1


HASUKI - SÉANCE ERA Series - Kraken


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